M-10B, Mezzanine Floor,
Bangi Utama Shopping Centre,
Jln Medan Bangi Off Persiaran Kemajuan,
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,

+603 8210 1170

10:00 AM TO 9:00 PM

Disclaimer :
Rates are volatile and are subjective to change. We do not guarantee the discrepency on an updated rate by the store. You are advice to check with the respective money changer before heading to the store
Currency Unit We Buy
We Sell
1 4.5900 4.6800
1 3.0300 3.1200
1 5.9400 6.0500
1 4.9800 5.0600
1 3.4200 3.4900
1000 29.7500 30.9000
100 12.7500 13.1500
100 13.8800 14.2500
100 58.7000 60.1000
100 63.1000 64.4000
1000 3.2800 3.4000
1M 178 187
1M 284 294
1 2.8000 2.9200
1 5.1800 5.3200
1 3.3900 3.5100
100 40.0000 50.0000
100 5.2000 5.5500
1 3.4000 3.4900
100 7.7000 7.9500
1 1.1000 1.3300
1 1.2100 1.3100
100 58.5000 69.0000
100 38.5000 46.0000
100 1.0500 1.8000
100 8.0000 29.5000
1 1.2000 1.2900
100 1.2000 1.9500
100 37.5000 48.5000
100 3.8000 4.3000
100 3.0000 4.5500
1 0.1300 0.1900
1 5.0000 6.7000
1 10.0000 12.0000
1 10.2000 12.8000
1 12.0000 15.5000
100 12.3000 16.3000